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Lejlighed til leje, København S, Sundholmsvej

Sundholmsvej, 2300 København S
  • Lejlighed til leje
  • 95 m2
  • 6.000 kr. per måned
Lejlighed til leje, København S, Sundholmsvej
Sundholmsvej, 2300 København S
  • Lejlighed til leje
  • 95 m2
  • 6.000 kr. per måned
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Lejlighed til leje, København S, Sundholmsvej


  • 3014756
  • Lejlighed
  • 95 m2
  • 3
  • 6.000 kr.
Du linkes til en anden portal, som evt. kan kræve betaling eller oprettelse


Our roommate is moving out, so we’re looking for someone to take over a beautiful room (15m2) in our 3 room, 95m2 Amagerbro Apartment!!🤩
The apartment has lots of daylight, a big living room, kitchen, bathroom and 2 big bedrooms, one of them will be ours, and you will get the other one. The room is not furnished! The kitchen has all appliances and the bathroom has a washer and dryer.
The move-in date is 01/04 and the contract will be 1 year long with possibility of extension. The monthly rent will be 6.000 kr. + 500 kr in utilities, internet is inkluded in the rent.
Deposit must be paid before moving in. The deposit equals 3 months of rent + the first month rent and utilities which will be a total of 24.500 kr.
❤ A bit about us:
Emil - Is working in Finance. I enjoy working, spending time with my girlfriend, watching movies and hanging out with friends and family. 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Gal·la - I studied marketing and communication I moved to Denmark 4 years ago. I am from Spain and my favorite things to do are cooking, spending time out with my friends and enjoying a glass of wine watching a movie🍷
We value a home with a friendly athmosfere, where you can relax after a long day but also have a nice conversation.
It is very important for us to have a communicative and friendly environment.
Looking forward hearing from you!
FYI - You will be able to come by to meet us and see the apartment/your room before moving in.
Emil and Gal·la

Information og data

Denne bolig til leje ligger på Sundholmsvej i København S. København S har postnummeret 2300, og ligger i kommunen København, som ligger i København. Boligen er i alt 95 m2 fordelt på 3 separate værelser. Boligen udlejes som almindelig lejebolig. Huslejen for lejeboligen er 6.000 kr. per måned.

Dette er et søgeresultat. Klik dig videre til det eksterne website for at få mere info om boligen.